Sunday, October 26, 2008

Dooo-dooo-doo…looking out my back door…

Or rather looking out my toilet door… sorry for those of you with more delicate sensibilities…. but really… if your toilet had no door… and this was your view from the bog… tell me... how could you go wrong?


Middle Child said...

Looks a bit like hereabouts - who needs a book to read on the toilet when you have a view like this?

Janene said...

Even better when the fantails decide to put on a show ... flitting about in the scrub... Admittedly it's not so great on a rainy day but I guess you can't have it all!

kaya said...

The throne room is looking rather splendid these days huh?!

Janene said...

Yes - I forgot to take a pic of that before I left... very regal!! Take a photo for me before you come back would ya?