Thursday, August 06, 2009

Getting my head around this...

... this whole getting pregnant thing is a pretty surreal buzz. I'm not entirely sure reality has hit yet. Sure I've started researching nappies and prams, talking about maternity leave, finding clothes to fit my expanding figure...
...but really it's all been a bit like a game...
...until this week when my stomach has started doing odd feeling flip-flops and I think I'm starting to feel baby moving... lordy! There really is something in there...
... I'm gonna be a mummy!


Anne said...

I remember reading your miscarriage story as our daughter had gone through the same thing at 13 weeks. Congratulations on the new baby - exciting for you both!!

Middle Child said...

I can still remember when I first felt my eldest now 34 start to move - just a fluttery was ANZAC day 1974

So good

kaya said...

And an outstanding mummy you will be!! xoxo