Oh my!
Where has time gone?
And how could I have possibly left you in the lurch?
And what the hell have I been doing?
Oh dear... busy busy busy!! Thanks to those of you who have called by to my empty and echoing blog! How I've neglected you!!
I will try to get some stuff up, my birth story and what we've been up to since.
Our wee girl is gorgeous... .JPG)
and I love, love, LOVE being a Mum!
I'm sure the other mothers out there will forgive me for neglecting my blog in order to wallow in motherhood!!
Back again as soon as I can!!
My goodness look at her...that is just the loveliest thing...so glad you called in...was wondering - How is it with her
Terri is great - a real little character who quickly learnt how to blow raspberries, has been 'singing' and talking away in the middle of the night the past few nights and just today played peek-a-boo with me where she was in control of the "boo" part for the first time... oh so cute!
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