On the Sunday I finished my dive course I raced home showered, changed, grabbed the cheese logs and crackers I'd prepared earlier and headed off to the Hafla that our dance teacher had organised. This was basically a get together of belly dancers from the various classes my teacher runs and we perform dances we've learnt in class as well as having a a general boogie. I love it because it's great to see the other dancers in their costumes and it's a great excuse to get into mine!!!

There weren't as many people at this party but I still enjoyed myself immensely! It was also an opportunity to warm the dance blood up ready for the following weekend... I had been asked to dance at my Great-Uncle's 80th birthday!! Gak!!
Still, I had agreed to it and it was too late to bail out. Really there wasn't much chance of that, I enjoy it too much and since I've successfully completed the dive course I kinda feel a bit bullet proof... hell, if I can breathe under water a wee belly dance for 100 or so people would be a doddle!!
I had taken a look at the venue and figured out that with everyone seated I'd be able to dance up and down the aisle between the two rows of tables... great... plenty of room! My Aunty and Uncle had sorted out the logistics of my entrance and and getting the music sorted out ready to play... this was going to be a piece of cake!! Hmmm I spoke too soon!

It was hardly fair that only those up the front of the room were getting a good look at the show so I managed to jump over and through the kids so I could get a few turns up and down the hall! It was a very accomodating crowd and I only had to mime clapping above my head once to get them all clapping along... bless'em!! I have no idea what the performance looked like from the audience's point of view. People are often reluctant to give negative critcisms, it's alsways difficult to to tell if they are just being nice when they say they enjoyed it... oh well... I enjoyed myself and my Aunt and Uncle thanked me profusely.... All in all it was quite exhilerating!!
I may even do it again... one day...
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